DEX - Thème WordPress pour l'architecture, le mobilier et la décoration intérieure

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shoppingBag Ventes: 96

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Créé: 21 févr. 2022

Actualisée: 10 sept. 2024

ID: 230880

Get Free Installation with This Item The "Buy a Template, Get Free Installation" offer is exclusively available for template only. This means the free installation service is only applicable if you start a brand-new website without existing content, structure, or prior installations.
If your website already exists—whether it has been partially built, contains pre-existing content, or uses a different template or CMS—this offer will not apply. Also you can consider Free Installation as an option if you confirm existing date erasing and confirm that it will look like in demo with dummy content. Other cases can be reviewed by our team and can be done for additional fee depending on your requirements.
If you’re unsure whether your project qualifies for the free installation, contact our support team before purchasing a template.

og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $12.40/mois

480k articles | Usage commercial License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Soutien Rejoignez-nous pour télécharger cet article  gratuitement

Dex est un beau design pour l'architecture et le design d'intérieur. Des tentatives ont été faites pour présenter tous les types d'architecture et de fonctionnalité intérieure dans Dex. Des tentatives ont été faites pour organiser chaque sujet d'une très belle manière. Et le plus important est que notre design est compatible avec le style moderne. Un client pourra utiliser cet article à diverses fins, telles que services de design d'intérieur, salle à manger, design extérieur, design de cuisine, design de salon, design de chambre principale, cottage, etc.

Construire une base solide pour tous vos projets, c'est Dex ! Un thème d'architecture et de construction contemporaine conçu pour tout architecte, studio d'architecture ou bureau. Ce thème moderne est livré avec plusieurs mises en page prédéfinies pour que vous puissiez tout partager sur les matériaux de construction, le processus de construction et la conception de l'architecture. Dex est livré avec une compatibilité totale avec Elementor Page Builder, des éléments de boutique pratiques, un blog, une grande variété de portefeuilles et 12 sites Web prédéfinis incroyables. Partez sur des bases solides !

Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez acheter ce thème sans aucune sorte de curiosité. Parce que notre équipe est toujours prête à rendre nos clients heureux. Par conséquent, avant d'acheter cet article, vous pouvez visiter notre profil, puis acheter.

Caractéristiques du thème

Disponible Drag & Drop Elementor Page Builder &

7+ démo unique

Plus de 30 pages intérieures pré-construites

Dernière version de Bootstrap 4 utilisée.

100 % réactif pour tous les types d'appareils

Conception moderne et unique

Version HTML5 disponible

Toutes les images incluses dans le paquet

Convivial pour le référencement

Disposition adaptée aux mobiles

Personnalisation des menus

Conçu pour WordPress

Personnalisation illimitée des couleurs

Personnalisation de l'en-tête

Compatible avec les navigateurs mobiles

Polices Google-500+

Personnalisation du logo

Vidéo ajoutée

Défilement lisse

Formulaire de contact 7

Icône de police géniale

Compatible avec plusieurs navigateurs

Code HTML valide du W3C

Assistance flexible et fiable

Cadre Redux

documentation en ligne et tutoriel vidéo

Aucune connaissance en codage requise

Création de page très facile

Créez facilement différentes pages d'accueil ou autres pages

Options de page flexibles et faciles à utiliser

Créez un site Web incroyable sans toucher à une ligne de code

Entièrement personnalisable

Couleurs illimitées pour les éléments de conception et de contenu

Options de visibilité réactives

Optimisé pour le formulaire de contact 7

MailChim pour WordPress

Traducteur WPML

Traducteur de locomotive

Traducteur Polylang

Mise à jour 31 mai 2022

  1. Nouvelle page de destination ajoutée
  2. Nouveau codage et CSS ajoutés
  3. Mettre à jour tous les plugins


Update 31 May 2022 New Landing Page Added New Coding & CSS Added Update All Plugin

Update: 19/08/2022 Improve Design Quality Improve Responsive Quality Up To Date All Plugins

Update: 09/10/2022 Improve Design Quality Up To Date All Plugins Added New Demos

Update: 21/11/2022 Up To Date All Files Added Landing Page Demo

Update: 24/01/2023 Added New Demo Update To WordPress 6.1

Update: 17/02/2023 Added New Demos Error Solved Up To Date All Plugins

Update: 25-05-2023

  1. Solved Error From Widget
  2. Changed Hosting Server
  3. Update All Files And Plugins
  4. Added New Demos.

Update: 18-07-2023

  1. Added New Demos
  2. Update Design Quality
  3. Solved Slick Slider Issue
  4. Up To Date All Plugins
  5. Update Design

Updated 23-08-2023 New Inner Pages Added New Coding and CSS Added New Images Added Fixed Others Issue

Update: 18-11-2023

  1. Added New Some Demos
  2. Added Inner Pages
  3. Fixed some major Issue
  4. Improve Design Quality
  5. Update WordPress Version

Update: 28-02-2024

  1. Added New Demos
  2. Solved Console Errors
  3. Up To Date All Plugins

Update: 12-03-2024

  1. Added A Video Demos
  2. Speed Optimization
  3. Update All Plugins

Update 21 August 2024 New Home Pages Added New Inner Pages Added New Coding and CSS Added New Images Added Fixed Others Issue.

3 Commentaires sur ce produit

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I have built multiple company and ecommerce websites. The Dex Template has been fantastic to work with and has quite a few pre constructed elements that I was able to use in different ways all over the site. Support was fantastic and quick. I was able to show them my issue and the developer was able to rectify my problem right away. I don't feel limited in it's capabilities and will maximize It's use on my site. This template was worth it! A+
Absolutely brilliant theme and above all service / support! I'm super happy with the performance! Thanks thanks thanks!
Don't waste your money on this theme!!! Theme isn't working correctly, support was fixing bags in theme over 1 month and still didn't fixed them. Theme has many bags. I can't change font size, icon sizes, backgrounds on many elements, but this function is in the builder, it doesn't working. Support was telling me that they don't understand that everything is working on their side. But it isn't because there was bug that was seen in their live demo. I showed it to them on video. Before that they didn't saw it. The same thing with other bugs. They didn't saw them. So I recorded video of few bugs (not all, because I had not much time, my client is still waiting for her website, so I showed just important bugs for me). So this guys fixed only one bug in 'Our Featured Works' section. But they didn't fixed bugs that was on my second video (there was few bugs taht is very important). And every time they was asking for better rating from me. Even they were working on bugs, They wrote me that if I will put them good rate, they will work faster))) Really? I was shocked. Support must do their work good and then will get good rate. I cannot recommend this theme and I warn you - do not spend money on this theme. And here's why: Theme isn't working correctly. There are many bugs in the theme that need to be fixed - changing some backgrounds, colors, and text sizes is impossible through the elementor constructor, although such functionality is available. Change just doesn't happen. In one of the sections, when pressing various buttons several times, the image completely disappears.
Please check your ticket I have sent the video. In my end everything is fine. May be problem in your site because.
Dear Sir Your complain is not right .sir I have fixed my bug. And same think but unfortunately it's not working. Sir the problem is Your site is very slow Your site not open in me all browser That why I can not work properly. I have sent a video for proof it's working fine. Sir I understand your trouble.and still I want to solve your issue. Please give so me more time.
Sir Many people purchased my theme but not given any bad review like that. Because my theme is working fine. Suddenly the problem was affected in my theme but i have solved it and given you the proof but however you are Telling my theme not working.

0 Commentaires pour ce produit

A propos de l'auteur

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,4 /5
Support rating (399 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 334 4 8 3 5 2 4 1 48
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

WooCommerce Compatibility: Compatibility:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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