Künstler - Kunst und Galerie Mehrzweck Responsive Elementor WooCommerce Theme

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Erstellt: 05.05.2022

Aktualisiert: 25.10.2024

ID: 244647

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Künstler - Kunst und Galerie Mehrzweck Responsive Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Eigenschaften Bild 1Künstler - Kunst und Galerie Mehrzweck Responsive Elementor WooCommerce Theme - Eigenschaften Bild 2

Artist - Art and Gallery Multipurpose Responsive Elementor WooCommerce Theme ist ein sehr einzigartiges Konzept für Malerei, Poster, Galerie, Buch, Magazin, Dekorationsartikelladen, Leinwandmalerei, Skizze, Ölgemälde, Kunst, abstraktes Design, Banner, Broschüre, Broschüre , Aufkleber, Blatt, Ausstellung, Portfolio und andere Mehrzweckgeschäfte . Achten Sie besonders auf ein klares Design.

Funktionen des Artist Elementor-Designs


  • 02+ Home-Layout
  • 100% reaktionsschnell
  • Cross-Browser-Kompatibilität
  • Nützliches CMS-Design
  • Abschnitt Top-Kategorien
  • Vergleichen & Merkliste integriert
  • Produkt -Schnellansicht
  • Raster/Liste und andere attraktive Ansichtsdesigns
  • Erweitertes Produktdesign
  • Funktionalität der Zurück-nach-oben -Schaltfläche
  • Keine Programmierkenntnisse erforderlich
  • Leistungsstarke Typografieoptionen
  • Premium-Revolutions-Schieberegler
  • Mega-Menü
  • 1 Klicken Sie auf Demo-Import
  • WPML- bereit
  • SEO -optimiert
  • Contact Form 7-Plug-in- Unterstützung
  • Entworfen mit HTML5 und CSS3
  • Erweiterte Ajax-Suche
  • Ajax In den Warenkorb
  • Elementor-Seitenersteller
  • Mailchimp- Unterstützung
  • Anpassbares Design & Code
  • Variationsmuster für WooCommerce enthalten
  • Produkt-Countdown hinzufügen
  • Child-Theme enthalten
  • und viele mehr...!


October 16, 2024:

  • Update core plugin to 3.2.0
  • Update avanam theme to 1.4.5

May 17, 2024:

  • Changed all files and whole file structures
  • Need to reinstall theme
  • Major Release 2.0.0

July 03, 2023:

  • Changed sample data in the artist_customizer_export.dat, artist_widgets_settings.wie, artist_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
  • Update WordPress Version
  • Update Revolution Slider

March 13, 2023:

  • Changed sample data in the artist_customizer_export.dat, artist_widgets_settings.wie, artist_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
  • Update WordPress Version
  • Update the Revolution slider plugin

3 Bewertungen für dieses Produkt

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Ottimo thema , facilissimo da usare e comprensivo di tutte le funzioni per una selezione ottimale del prodotto. Assistenza efficace e risposte in tempi brevissimi
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)
A Troubling Experience: Product and Service As a web developer, I have relied on various theme providers to furnish my projects with nice designs. My expectations are always twofold: a product that aligns with its advertised description, and a responsive customer service experience. Regrettably, my recent encounter with this theme I purchased fell short on both accounts. Firstly, the theme is presented as a complete, functioning product. In reality, it operates more as a shell that necessitates a plethora of third-party plugins to function. The use of these plugins doesn't only over-complicate the setup process, but it significantly burdens the site, causing it to perform slower and sluggishly. The theme was based on the Elementor plugin which recently underwent a severe security breach. This oversight not only exposes sites to potential cyber threats but also detracts from the peace of mind a website owner should have in knowing their platform is secure. Secondly, the theme's home page didn't replicate the design as advertised. Instead, I was presented with Home 1 and Home 2 links which inexplicably led to the theme developer's home page. This experience was frustrating, misleading, and disheartening. The cumbersome plugins and misrepresentation of the product, while aggravating, might have been mitigated by exemplary customer service. Unfortunately, the author’s customer service team offered no resolution from my frustrations. Despite my genuine and honest request for a refund - given the theme's shortcomings and my subsequent decision not to use it - my request was flatly denied. Their refusal to acknowledge my concerns or display flexibility on the refund policy, despite the issues being theme-related and largely unresolvable, was disappointing. Furthermore, the extensive issues and poor functionality of the theme compelled me to take the drastic step of reinstalling my site entirely. This unnecessary expenditure of time and resources added further to my dissatisfaction. This theme, regrettably, presented a bloated, plugin-reliant product that significantly deviated from its advertised depiction. Coupled with unyielding customer service and an inflexible refund policy, I am left with no choice but to award this product a rating of 1 star. To potential buyers: tread carefully. The product is not as advertised and the company lacks flexibility when it comes to customer satisfaction and issue resolution.
I have really appreciated all the help I have received from the author on this theme. Fast feedback, and help even with more advanced requests 🙏
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)

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Über den Autor

Guru Author


4,6 /5
Support rating (133 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 114 4 7 3 2 2 0 1 10
Reaktionszeit: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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